Walk in the path, stumble over stone I'm a struggle and wounded angel How many is rainy days? The rain beat let me down The sunshine get me up, my love back again Showing my fake smile, the smile hide my heart My real heart, many holes, that's lonely Blowing in the wind, blowing my heart, strongly beating me My pale light say to me, wait me about love Stay still, still and the time still Everything for you. My whole life give for you It's fool sad, Desire ness, Believing forever Forever, my endless love for you I wanna stay with you forever In riddle and puzzle maze, Where is my all end? It always but, the dead end I hold your hands and you hold my hands Two of us get out this maze. In someday and in sometime Only me, my tearful in my eyes, pain loneliness My pale light say to me, wait me about love Stay still, still and the time still Everything is for me. Your whole life give to me IT's fool sad, Desire ness, knowing the endless Forever, my love for you Stay still, still and the time still All of you is mine. All of your life is mine Coming back and coming back. My whole love give for you Forever you, my hole endless love I wanna stay with you forever Stay stay stay