What is segregation? I don't know what seggeration is. What is bigotry? I don't know what biggery is. What does hatred mean? I don't know what that is.. What is prejudice? Hmm, I think its when someones sick. Rise and shine, boys! One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four! Anybody here, seen my old friend John, can you tell me where he's Gone? Were at the Trademark, the motorcade is coming by here, I can see many Many motorcycles coming By now, police motorcycles. Just heard a call on the radio for all Units along Industrial, to pick up the Motorcade. Somethings happened here, we understand there has been a shooting. The Presidential car coming up Now, we know its the presidential car. We can see Mrs. Kennedys pink Suit, there's a Secret Service Man spread eagle over the top of the car. We understand governor and Mrs. Connolly are in the car, With president and Mrs. Kennedy. We can't see who has been hit if anybody's been hit, but apparently Something is wrong here, Something is terribly wrong. I am behind the motorcade now, (and as you Probably notice?) they're Going to Parkland Hospital We interrupt this program to bring you a special bulletin: Dallas Texas, the flash, apparently official: President John F. Kennedy died, at 1 p.m., central standard time. Anybody here, seen my old friend Martin, can you tell me where he's Gone? He has freed a lot of people, but it seems the good they die young. We've got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn't really matter With me now. Because I've been to the Mountain top, and I