Standing on a wire Looking at the world down below Walking on a wire is easy Because there’s one way to go A truck on a street Looks like an orange beetle I know, I make it, I cannot make it Loosing my life With my hopes and my dreams When I fall down Fall down Man on wire Walking on Broadway Standing on Greenwich Looking at the man in the clouds Between the two towers A shirt is falling Everybody shouts Man on a wire looks like an orange beetle I hope he makes it, he cannot make it Horns of the cars Ferries whistle Flying flying I’m not a bird, I will fall like a stone I’m a man on a wire, so leave me alone It’s so quiet up here Living my life like an orange beetle I know, I make it, I cannot make it Loosing my life With my hopes and my dreams When I fall down, fall down I may be stupid, I’m not a bird It’s so quiet up here, leave me alone Man on wire