Now reality don't care about nothing once the horn is blown. And this particular walk of life smells of broken glass beneath the feet of a daytime boy who's never really seen the sunrise. A willing scribe said that the cipher lies in the hearsay, just to clean the air and walk me through the garden of innocence where footsteps resound like danger on the faces of children left alone for far too long. You know reality, it don't care about nothing When it's too much, yet still not enough to take away the conditions and expectations most carry pocket-bounded and hidden like blemishes and false from lovers or food from needy mouths. See, this is indeed the end of the past. And in submission future is over-thoughted and yet to be experienced. A time for those who try to live out their daydreams so that their nightly rest smells of peace and sounds like tomorrow's fuel's stocked and at the ready... Reality. Freedom, essential to one and all for a small price, most often called "Join the democracy program" or making yourself part and parcel to some lewd scam. A place where the concrete jungles and suburban desserts meet, minimum wage, and the bar on a 12 gauge, 51 states full of territorial squabbles and ethnic disputes on the rise. Seems like when the U.S. shakes its money make all the change falls into special interest pocketbooks, cocaine helicopter fuel reserves and payoffs between overseers to keep their mouths shut. Land of techno color dollar and blue eyes, blonde hair..... and black blood... Reality. Shackled by freedom and bullied by hatred and the simple nature of misunderstanding, we remain ruled by currency and sold to the highest bidder, day by day. America 2002. A place where they say hell is between your ears when you're still breathing, and here some folk rain on the inside even when the sun comes out. So the time has come for new decisions to be made. All of your previous pains have past on in a wave, so it's okay for you to take a chance on yourself... Reality. This particular walk of life smells of broken glass beneath the bare feet of a daytime boy who's never really seen the sunrise. Walking through the garden of innocence. When it's too much, yet still not quite enough to take away the conditions and expectations. So we declare today is the end of the past... Reality. This is the time for those who try to live out their daydreams, so that their nightly rest smells of peace. Reality Also essential to freedom, comes with a heavy price to pay. Reality Reality Reality don't care about nothing