Teriyaki Mariachi Bill Murray 俺の人生be like a Wes movie お洒落で可愛いpretty lady そこだけが今は足りない I've been tip toeing throughout my whole life Not to be notice by anyone's sight But now I have a whole different mind おそらくこれからが俺の Prime Time 人生の 最大 のピーク with Fine wine in my hand I be rising to the top Ominous news there's something insane going on Beasts and dragons and unicorn mane 揺れた Animal されど 許されん shoot em down Petrichor like な Cupertino みんな好きだ T-razor とco-op Working on each mora Clean Bois struggling without 魔法の粉 Everything organic healthy to listen to ほら 病みつき出たくなくなるよ甲羅 あぢきなし そなたあへなし 去り給うれ すなわち兵隊のように 死んでも言いなりにはならねぇ You know? なほあやなし わが生大刀見給うれ 返答ないなら去ればいい 一世山掻き篭れ いとほし Teriyaki Mariachi Bill Murray 俺の人生be like a Wes movie お洒落で可愛いpretty lady そこだけが今は足りない I've been tip toeing throughout my whole life Not to be notice by anyone's sight But now I have a whole different mind おそらくこれからが俺の Prime Time 人生の 最大 のピーク with Fine wine in my hand I be rising to the top Everybody getting really cynical いつかはめっちゃ流行ったが 今何してるミランダ・カー Have no clue kinda sad だな New things coming out everyday Whatever came out yesterday is an old thing nowadays But if my shit's fresh even in ten years I'll be different from the others new style pioneer