Track byRobert Casadesus
I'm going with a meanie man He really gets me down Love songs? Well, they lied to me And dreamt von Walther I said, "I love you" Protestation You responded Expostulation I came to visit Procession You expressed your interest Demolition You said, "I'm sorry" Apologician I said, "That's fine" Absolution I'm going with a meanie man Love songs told me lies They promised me I'd fly away Fly away, my arse! You are my heart's desire Lamentation My heart's on fire Cardiac incineration I have no passion No passion at all Only the cold flow of rationality If I showed the passion of which I have none I would be unfashionable Therefore I'm passionless But purporting I enamour Of having fashion without passion I'd become passionate You'd steal me away! You'd just steal me away... Here I sit waiting to be unseated by passion