King of tempests and storms Lord of innumerable figures and forms Blessed with Thy cold I am as I upon the shoulders of mine bear the burden of Thine Once I got touched by a fire from beyond an invitation of darkness of which I colud not resist Caressed by the feathers of the fallen I took the fate in my hand My raging Commander My constant Shade My soul's Persecutor My eternal Divinity Revealing Thy powers in visions and dreams Invoking Your magic at night Honored I am to mission Thy word within a creed is sworn of majestic might An infernal allegiance in which I pay my share An unholy awakening inside of which I intend to bear Beholding Thy commotion I entreat You with devotion I subsume Your might with strength I will carry on with You as my guardian against the lambs of the light Possessed by the true god of earth I am Possessed for eternity