I will not taint the world with blood Wanting to end my life Is no reason to hurt myself With razor or with knife I will not be a grotesque puppet Twirling in the breeze No need to make a spectacle To haunt my family's dreams I will not taint my blood with drugs For when I meet my end I wish to keep my senses clear Not into dreams descend And so the morning beckons me So clear and crisp with snow The winter bites my tears back As through the trees I go And lay down by the frozen lake Lie in the frozen snow And fully conscious fully sure And peacefully I go Into oblivion So clear pure and cold Into that new transcendency Beyond what's tainted old A clean death simple painless swift A shiver in the dark Leaving just an imprint A snow angel in the park I'm a snow angel Just a snow angel Nothing left of me Nothing needs to be I'm a snow angel Just a snow angel Nothing left of me Just how I want to be The world gave me a frosty chill And I pray for those alive That they will overcome all ills To be peaceful as I am