落ちた星のように Like a fallen star 闇に包まれた Wrapped in darkness 囁く声が A whispering voice 風に溶けてゆく Melts into the wind Whisper of the fallen, 堕天者の囁きが Whisper of the fallen 闇に消えて Fading into the dark Wings of darkness, 闇の羽が Wings of darkness 夜を包む Enfolds the night 霧の中の羽音 The sound of wings in the mist ひとひらの夢 A fragment of a dream 忘れ去られた空に In a forgotten sky 光を求めて Seeking the light Whisper of the fallen, 堕天者の囁きが Whisper of the fallen 闇に消えて Fading into the dark Wings of darkness, 闇の羽が Wings of darkness 夜を包む Enfolds the night 闇の中で In the heart of darkness 静かに息づく Quietly breathes その悲しみを That sorrow この翼に込めて Carried in these wings Whisper of the fallen, 堕天者の囁きが Whisper of the fallen 闇に消えて Fading into the dark Wings of darkness, 闇の羽が Wings of darkness 夜を包む Enfolds the night 地上に降り立つ Touching down on Earth 暗闇の使者 Messenger of the dark 囁きは永遠に The whisper lasts forever 闇の中で In the darkness