What makes Paree Like Paree oughta be? All the natives agree Pigalle! Wonderful street Where the simple folk meet With the social elite Pigalle! Sidewalk cafes, Waiters balancing trays, Mornin', night and noon. Taxicabs toot While a guy on a flute Renders "Claire De Lune". Mademoiselles Wink their eyes at the swells Where the corner sign spells Pigalle! Take it from me, when you visit Paree, Yes, you better had see Pigalle! It's just a part of the city, Part of the heart of Paree. Not to be there is a pity, Won't you visut Pigalle with me? What makes Paree Like Paree oughta be? All the natives agree Pigalle! Wonderful street Where the simple folk meet With the social elite Pigalle! Sidewalk cafes, Waiters balancing trays, Mornin', night and noon. Taxicabs toot While a guy on a flute Murders "Claire De Lune". Mademoiselles Wink their eyes at the swells Where the corner sign spells Pigalle! Take it from me, when you visit Paree, Yes, you better had see Pigalle!