Where did my body go, the night that my soul gave in Fell from that high window into burning skies Where did my body go, the night that my soul gave in Fell from the high window into God's eyes Answer me that question, you'll get the biggest kiss You have been waiting for, for your whole life Answer me that question, you'll get the biggest smile You have been waiting for since you were a child Where did my spirit go, the night that my soul gave in Fell from that high stairwell into stranger's arms Where did my spirit go, the night that my soul gave in Fell from that high stairwell to sounds of alarms Answer me that question, you'll get the biggest kiss You have been waiting for, for your whole life Answer me that question, you'll get the biggest smile You have been waiting for since you were a child When you were a child, did you think about things You thought in your lifetime you'd never see When you were a child, did you think about monsters When you were a child, did you think about things You thought in your mind would be only bad dreams Nightmares, truth, dares What is this this emptiness, so deep inside my chest Feels like it's poisonous, won't disappear Could this be history, trying to cradle me If so her lessons are ephemeral at best