The-e fir-ist No-o-el, thee-ee angel did say Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay I-in fie-ields wher-ere they lay-ay keeping their sheep In a cold winter's ni-ight that wa-as so deep No-o-e-el, No-o-el, No-o-el, No-o-e-el Born is the Ki-ing of I-is-ra-el They-ey loo-ook-ed up a-and saw-aw a star Shining i-in the Ea-east beyo-ond them far A-and to-oo the-ee earth i-it ga-ave great light A-and so it continued both day-ay and night No-o-e-el, No-o-el, No-o-el, No-e-el Born is the Ki-ing of I-is-ra-el A-and by-why the-e light o-of tha-at same star Three-ee wi-ise men ca-ame from cou-ountry far To-oo see-eek for a King wa-as their-eir intent And to follow the sta-are wherever it went No-o-e-el, No-o-el, No-o-el, No-o-e-el Born is the Ki-ing of I-is-ra-el This star-are drew-ew nigh to the-e northwest O'er Be-eth-le-he-em it too-ook its rest A-and there-ere it did bo-oth sto-op and stay Ri-ight o-over the pla-ace where Je-esus lay No-o-e-el, No-o-el, No-o-el, No-o-e-el Born is the K-ing of I-is-ra-el The-en e-entered in tho-ose wi-ise men three Fe-ell re-everently upo-on their knee A-and o-offered there i-in hi-is presence Bo-oth go-old, and myr-rh, and fra-ankincense No-o-e-el, No-o-el, No-o-el, No-e-el Born is the Ki-ing of I-is-ra-el The-en le-et you-us all wi-ith one-ne accord Si-ing prai-aises to-oo our heavenly Lord Tha-at ha-ath made heaven and ear-earth of nought A-and wi-ith his bloo-ood manki-ind had bought No-o-e-el, no-o-el, no-o-el, no-o-e-el Born is the ki-ing of I-is-ra-el