窒息しそうな部屋の中に幻たちが 生い茂る Illusions grow in a suffocating room 伸びていく煩悩の木にいのちが 吸い尽くされた My life was completely sucked by a tree of carnal desires あっちもこっちも猥褻物がヒラヒラ 蝶々のように舞う Obscenity is fluttering like a butterfly here and there 醜く老いた体を晒し 都会の毒に殺される My exposed ugly and old body is killed by urban poison ムラムラムラムラムラ Itch itch itch 一年、十年、 百年経っても全然何にも 変わりやしない No matter how many years pass, nothing will change 内弁慶の俺たちは妄想に焼かれ 続ける Cowards like us will continue to be burned by our own delusions 灼熱の妄想よ、熱く熱く燃え上がれ Let our delusions burn 都会の壁をぶち破れ Let the flame burn down compartmentalization of urban life 夜空を真っ赤に照らせ Let the flame color the night sky bright red ムラムラムラムラムラ Itch itch itch