燃え盛る夜空の果て 謎めく炎が舞い上がる 虚空に咲く激しい光が、 静けさを一瞬に染める In the depths of a midnight blaze, a wild firestorm awakens dreams Dancing in enigmatic sparks, it sears the silence with its gleaming streams Fantasia of the Bewitching Firestorm 情熱の鼓動が交差する瞬間、 心が燃え上がる Every flare writes a myth in the burning dark, a rhythm of desire reborn As luminous embers ignite our souls, we soar where destiny is drawn 遥かなる時の狭間で 秘めた願いが炎となり燃える 燃え尽きぬ情熱が、 星屑と交じり合い輝きを増す Across the veil of endless night, fervent wishes blaze into fire An untamed ardor mingles with cosmic dust, sculpting dreams that never tire Fantasia of the Bewitching Firestorm 煌めく焔の舞台で、 運命の旋律が流れ出す Every vibrant spark casts a spell, a symphony in flames so warm Our hearts, ablaze with hope and wonder, embrace the storm in joyful form 燃える瞬間が語る真実 魂を包む魔法の調べ In the roaring heart of fire, ancient secrets resound and guide our flight 燃え盛る奇跡の中で見出す、 希望と夢が織り成す新たな世界 Where passion meets the cosmos in a dazzling spectacle of incandescent light Fantasia of the Bewitching Firestorm この瞬間に溶け込む運命、 煌めく未来を呼び覚ます Every blazing note creates a legacy, a radiant pulse that keeps us warm In the embrace of the firestorm’s magic, our spirits ignite and rise, forever unchained