Playin' with fire is going to get you burnt But for a freshman like you it's something you gotta learn. It's like shitting on my favorite plate And calling it a motherfucking dinner date. As if you head wasn't big enough the first time I met you. We gave you a chance and you hardly ever come through. Going through life doing it all half ass. Give you and inch and you think you get first class. Fuck that. Starting a war you cannot win. Too close to the edge and you fall in. I'd give you a hand to pull you out. Just to show you the door and shut your mouth. As if your head wasn't big enough the first time I met you. We give you a chance and you hardly ever come through. Going through life doing it all half ass Give you an inch and you think you get first class. It's like: throwing a steak to a dog with a short leash. Make sure you got five fingers before you leave. And when the dog bites the hand that feeds. Don't cry to me when i beat him bloody