Believe me when I tell you this The world is wicked there's no telling what they'll do next But I don't even have to focus on the evil without I got enough reasonable doubt within me to send me to the chair That's clear if I stare looking at a crooked cat in the mirror Who me? Truly, the enemy is the inner me nothing but me in the vicinity squared That's two isn't it? I don't know how to configure it Or what digit to hit to make the equation equivalent All I know is there's a war going on And my sinful nature seems to be the source of it all If I could get rid of it I'd be further along And I wouldn't be standing here singing the words of this song And it goes, what I don't want to do I do, I pursue what I shouldn't if I could I sue who? This other me loves me to the death And would literally die just to satisfy my flesh It takes every breath and blessing that God gives Just to use it as a weapon against Him Takes every good and perfect gift that comes from above And perverts it like love gets changed for lust It's dangerous like taking gusts of angel dust When God displays disgust cause we reject His ways even though His ways are just I'm stuck with a old nature that's corrupt And plus incapable of pleasing God believe I tried and succeeded not but Then Jesus died and rose again He clothes us in a new nature so the old one won't win Now I'm opposing sin and natural whims but that's when this battle begins There's a war going on, sure you're right Sure you're wrong, who said that? You, dead that you're strong but God is stronger Lord help me conquer this monster The Incredible Walk If you look from the outside in Through skin you'll meet the me that was born in sin but If you go from the inside out You'll meet the new me born again about ten years ago Ten years to grow and here we go in stereo Got, two inputs right and left Asking are you down for life or death Check, this new me is truly weird It trusts God where I used to be scared, and I'm like What's that all about Walking out faith when I thought I had a cause to doubt I'm telling y'all it's a trip Now I'm getting equipped, to rep the God of the biblical scriptures Motivated by a visual clip of the life of Christ and the Cross is the Pivotal picture Like an old film digitally fixed up The image is so vivid digits register on the Richter So now even if it takes a while I'm only trying to see what's gonna make God smile In contrast to the me of times past Quick and illegitimate willing to commit a crime fast Now I serve the Lord with zeal And stay sobered up and soldiered up cause the war is real Not fighting with a sword of steal But slicing with a spiritual sword that sure to peel Soul from spirit and flesh from bone And I roll with the Spirit never, left alone Plus, my click is more consistent than the metronome When it comes to letting Christ set the tone So daily my sinful side is outlined in legible chalk Letting my new insides outside it's The Incredible Walk