Happy songs meet happy days While nobody wants the hardest place. Upon a time in '96, all us teenagers only had one fix To dance and drink 'dav into joy We named a party after a boy A guy we knew with asking mnanuh Therefore has a son named nnuuhh I'd only love to turn you on, yeah And you will play our favorite song, yeah The night's young, the moon is bright, So what do you feel like doing tonight? And every shift we call our gig, And every show wants rock and roll The night, oh night, stands for you The style of class you brought us through But maybe we'll meet back again Mr. Bob, my dearest friend. I'll only love to turn you on, yeah And you will play our favorite song, yeah And I will never doubt That you were not proud Of playing music, oh so loud, yeah But now ten years later, I'm still thinking of you I know it's sad but that's simply true. Maybe some other time, in a different life My conversations will be with you A man of my kind, man of music and rhyme A voice o -?- makes me feel, Just for day that I'm done, This has been fun. We hope you're fine But now it's time for you to come back. I'll only love to turn you on, yeah And you will play our favorite song, yeah And I will never doubt That you were not proud Of playing music, oh so loud, yeah But now ten years later, I'm still thinking of you I know it's sad but that's simply true. Maybe some other time, in a different life My conversations will be with you A man of my kind, man of music and rhyme A voice o -?- makes me feel, Just for day that I'm done, This has been fun. We hope you're fine But now it's time for you to come back.