Calaverada (Escapade) Amor vivir, amor llorar un dia suelta de felicidad si yo no te encuentro yo solo pol la calle Amor vivir, amor llorar un dia suelta de felicidad si yo no te encuentro yo solo pol la calle Yo quisiera hoy saber eres todos como amigos Yo quisiera hoy saber el motivo que tu tienes Amor vivir, amor llorar un dia suelta de felicidad si yo no te encuentro yo solo pol la calle ****************translated text************** Love to live, love to cry a day without happiness If I don't find you alone in the street Love to live, love to cry a day without happiness If I don't find you alone in the street I would like to know today If you are all as friends I would like to know today The motive that you have Love to live, love to cry a day without happiness If I don't find you alone in the street