so close そのまま指絡ませ feel so good tonight More 背中に指這わせて feel so good tonight 揺れて触れて焦らして You get on! feel so good tonight 濡れて全て受け止め We got on! Don't leave me all night Turn it up, fuck it up, you were looking for me 反論ないね 深く深く深く、ここに again and again so close このままLet me dream beside you! feel so good tonight More いつのまに? I feel like falling in love! feel so good tonight, ohhhhh Turn it up, fuck it up, you were looking for me 反論ないね 深く深く深く、ここに Turn it up, fuck it up, you were looking for me 反論ないね 深く深く深く、ここに again and again again and again again and again