We now hold these truths to be evident That nothing is vaunted [?] or prominent We are cells in the hand of a, a loosely flung fist That I'm trusting, it got me in awe from the mitt [?] How can we march so blissfully on, knowing everyone loved is alone? How could you not march so blissfully on, knowing everyone loved is all alone? I now hold these truths to be diffident That which you held dearly, is clearly frequented By charlatans fumbling, just like a debutante Gripping and grinding, a light they depend on How can you march so blissfully on, knowing everyone loved is alone? How could you not march blissfully on, knowing everyone loved is all alone? You're not alone Oh, my head is on fire Burning layers of paltry disguises We are strange beguilers [?] Pleading for men [?] Since privilege and poverty and pride [?] Come on How can we march so blissfully on, knowing everyone loved is alone? How could you not march so blissfully on, knowing everyone loved is all alone? You're not alone