I'm from the country ' Lee Kernaghan Way back up in the country Back in the hills And down in the hollows where the folks are real Living with the crazies down an the old outcasts with saw'd off shotguns and coonskin hats That's where I'm from and I'm proud to say I'm from the Country and I like it that way Everybody knows everybody Everybody calls you friend You don't need an invitation Kick off your shoes, come on in Yeah we know how to work and we know how to play We're from the Country and we like it that way All day long we work in the fields Bring it on home to a home cooked meal We love ya like Sunday, treat ya like Saturday night That's right When the beds get full we can sleep in the hay We're from the Country and we like it that way Everybody knows everybody Everybody calls ya friend You don't need an invitation Kick off your shoes, come on in Yeah we know how to work and we know how to play We're from the Country and we like it that way Everybody knows everybody Everybody calls you friend You don't need an invitation Kick off your shoes and come on in Yeah we know how to work and we know how to play We're from the Country Wooo We're from the Country Louder We're from the Country and we like it that way