Who's shut the mouths of beasts And with the sound of his voice it renders peace? Who's drowned the earth with rain And made a promise to man to never do the same? Who's crushed the walls of stone By the use of the sound of the trumpets blown? Who appoints the kings to throne? The One True King! Who's quenched a violent fire? Raised and destroyed empires? Oh how you manifest your grace and power My Great King! You're my Great King My Great King! You're my Great King How can I question Your power? For where was I when You laid the earth In that time and hour? How can I question Your might When even angels bow down to you To kneel at your sight? When men cast their doubt upon Your name You are unchanging Still the immutable God When nations rage against Your throne You are unchanging Still the immutable God Awake my soul Give me eyes to see The King exalted Deserving and worthy Awake my soul Give me words to say Among the nations Proclaiming Your glory Awake my soul Awake my soul Oh how You've proven That there in no one Like You Ever faithful To such faithless men Like us Awake my soul Awake my soul Oh how you've shown me That this isn't a blind faith In a distant God You went before me and You Bore my sin Who am I to doubt You? Let me hear Your voice My ears have heard You Let me see Your face My eyes have seen You For I believe For I, I believe Great is They faithfulness O' God my Father and King There is no shadowy presence To Your promise I cling Thou changest not Thy compassions As Thou hast been Thou forever and ever will be When men cast their doubt upon Your name You are unchanging Still the immutable God When nations rage against Your throne You are unchanging Still the immutable God Awake my soul Give me eyes to see The King exalted Deserving and worthy Awake my soul Give me words to speak Among the nations Proclaiming Your glory Oh how you've shown me That this isn't a blind faith In a distant God You went before me and You Bore my sin I believe Awake my soul I believe My faithful King For I believe