Try to prove it, Try to get there, Try to make your act a favor. Like a fat death Patch of false. Strips you of your skin, it's heavy, And worn, and it stains my point of view. My point in part, Everytime you put a mark on me Worse, Everytime you try to start with me. And I'm inclined to boil, You're a solid state. I'm inclined to boil Destroy your maze. Cause you're a hole, You're a hole, You're a hole, Learo. You're a hole, You're a hole, You're a hole, You're a hole. (repeat last two sections) Try to move it, Try to get there, Try to force a conversation. Like a polish, Too much shock. Twitches you, your skin is heavy, And worn, and it stains my point in print. My point in print. Everytime you put a mark on me, Print, Everytime you try to start with me. And I'm a thick skin, You're a nervous brand of metal. I'm a thick skin, You're a nervous brand of soul. You're a hole, You're a hole, You're a hole, Learo. You're a hole, You're a hole, You're a hole, You're a hole. (repeat last two sections) Took a long walk, Took care of the situation. Cotton's all torn, And the noise ______ Nothing stands out, And the rest is separations Nothing stands out When your mouth is spoiled. (repeat)