冷え枯れた砂漠のすみに 夕暮れが迫って来れば 独り見上げる空高くなっていく 想い出せない過去からの 数えきれない瑕からの 決別の狼煙がたちのぼる 絡みつく風の冷たさが 夜露を結ぶセイジの葉が 旅発つ刻を示唆してゆらめく It is a good time to take off. I gonna go to the happy hunting ground, When I will be done my own work. Until that day I always hold it tight in my mind. I can remember it was Manday morning, My old man was taking to me. “Listen,sometimes it is a good day to die.” Sure,he said so. 蜘蛛の糸で縫い合わせた 箙を肩に立ち上がる 空にあふれそうな星がつきまとう 侮りがたい未来からの 忘れられない罪からの 決別の兆しが放たれる 交差した矢を信じ続け 交差した矢に応えるため 振り向くことは2度とはないだろう It is a good time to take off. I gonna go to the happy hunting ground, When I will be done my own work. Until that day I always hold it tight in my mind. I can remember it was Manday morning, My old man was taking to me. “Listen,sometimes it is a good day to die.” I gonna go to the happy hunting ground, When I will be done my own work. Until that day I always hold it tight in my mind. I can remember it was Manday morning, My old man was taking to me. “Listen,sometimes it is a good day to die.” Sure,he said so.