In a black and white box in the corner of the world. Under the pressure, a chocolate and coke, you had no reason. You'd shouted to the wall everyday. Just the way you're. I'd felt you for long time, and waited for you. I'd treasured letters, a poem and a guitar of your own. Let's try not to be eaten by the world. We've gotta show to somebody else. Here we go. Yeh, we wanna shout F.T.W, don't give in to the power. We wanna do something to the greatest world. We needed no reason, no reason. We just wanna bite the world, yeh. Yell our revolution, yeh. We just wanna bite the world, yeh. Yell your revolution, yeh. I've remembered a taste of liquor that I'd drunk with you for the first time. You were so reserved that you worried me in those days. We can shoulder pasts of all. Here we go. Yeh, we wanna shout F.T.W, don't give in to the power. We wanna do something to the greatest world. We needed no reason, no reason. We just wanna bite the world, yeh. Yell our revolution, yeh. We just wanna bite the world, yeh. Yell your revolution, yeh. Just the way we are. And want to, yeh, bite the world, yeh. Just the way we are. And want to, yeh, bite the world, yeh. With no reason, we can walk together. It is beautiful that we just live together. My world was smaller still. Your world were smaller still. Now our world's growing still. We swore to start from zero. We just wanna bite the world, yeh. Yell your revolution, yeh. We just wanna bite the world, yeh. Yell your revolution, yeh. Just the way we are. And want to, yeh, bite the world, yeh. Just the way we are. And want to, yeh, bite the world, yeh.