Fatboy We went down to Leroy's, double- barrel sun Varmints always whippin' ass on Leroy Devil-rabbit costume, gettin' on was fun Always whinin' "Stop the war on fatboy" Stop abusing Martians Stop reducing calories Clip your eggs together Monkey one Keep gettin' on - part of the plans that were made Keep gettin' on - part of the plans that were made We held up the donut just before the sun We all argued who would service fatboy Fatboy has the knowledge, knowledge overcome Super hand of wonder it's the fatboy Stop abusing Martians Stop reducing calories Clip your eggs together Monkey one Keep gettin' on - part of the plans that were made Keep gettin' on - part of the plans that were made Fatboy claims he's triplets, I believe each one Always, always lying, it's the fatboy If I claim I'm triplets it's knowledge overcome Super hand of wonder is this fatboy Stop abusing Martians Stop reducing calories Clip your eggs together Monkey one Keep gettin' on - part of the plans that were made Keep gettin' on - part of the plans that were made Keep gettin' on - fatboy's everything made Keep gettin' on - fatboy's everything made Fat Requiem