あけきらぬ夜にもたれ、 白んでく空を見てた 慣れてしまったはずの寂しさ 突然 心の扉を叩いた 無邪気に戯れてた 罪ない子供のように 遠く離れて 気付いてしまう 孤独の風 心に吹く理由 I wan made for you, you were made for me I want to stand by your side I was made for you, you were made for me I want you to stand by my side 暖かい羽根に包まれ 花園で目を覚ました 恐れも忘れ苦しみもない 聖なる調べ You're everything fo me I wan made for you, you were made for me I want to stand by your side I was made for you, you were made for me I want you to stand by my side I wan made for you, you were made for me I want to stand by your side I was made for you, you were made for me I want you to stand by my side