You're the one who suggested it,I'm glad But sorry brudda,I won't rely on that No more riding bike,wrapping packs (No more) Do you resent fact that I turn you down,they were fucked up (I can't-)I can't just sit back for the ****** お前は分かってやってんだ 真面目そうな Asians 疑わられへんから目つけたん? What does it mean to you to be me ? Friendship,Fellowship better than P’s Let's talkin' about that when in your sleep But you wake up from the dreamin',devil on feed Live smart Live smart (For what) Say less,I just solidify the ground (For what) What's new in this town ? (Can-)Can you try hit man ? I ain't going to be a one-hit wonder, need doubble tap for vital part,and my fan (A-)Acchi go revenge on that Are you gonna be there ? Acchi go revenge on that (On that) Acchi go revenge on that Are you still in there ? Acchi go revenge on that (On that) (A-)Acchi go revenge on that ~ Switch it Yo Mello Look 時代の変化に溺れるくらいなら その波向かって パドリングするだけだ (Mello) 波に乗るのは最初は逆らってるんだ そう流行りに乗るのはある 種逆らってるんだ 気づくんだ風の向きにも*** Not yet, It's too early for a boner (You have-) You have just smoked a bit and you pose as stoner ? 魂胆見え見え Fake 流れを読める奴,制する Game 的外れな着眼点, 観点どこ狙てんお前のエイム もうテイクオフすんかい,ずぼらな 兄ちゃんこくなよ横着 そんなんやったらもう 来うへんかもせぇへん White water Noチャンス 蹴ったら折れてまうような細い軸で 止めとけその無茶 それじゃホレさすん無理やな お分かり無頓着 (Bruhh) Acchi go revenge on that Are you gonna be there ? Acchi go revenge on that (On that) Acchi go revenge on that Are you still in there ? Acchi go revenge on that (On that)