I saw the world through the lens of a pinhole camera I saw nothing I was blind In between a black hole and supernova is where youll find me Imploding and expanding simultaneously no longer alive <♪> I've been running away for so long When I finally caught myself There wasnt much left The scripts last page is blank And the medicine is gone A sick bastard A twister of dark matter On a heavier trip than you can comprehend A tornado Trying to mend the life that's shattered Waiting for nothing to begin A fine line my insides are tearing out King me is killing me King me is killing me I keep walking past the places I was born in And how the faces are blank shiny and dead I don't recognize a thing I can't recall them A closed book that I can never never read again A fine line my insides are tearing out Now the lights fade this final war start now King me is killing me King me is killing me King me is killing me King me is killing me Killing me All of that is ending now for I have arisen Survived myself somehow dead and imprisoned I'm fighting to live inspired to see the day I swear I'll never sleep again I am no mans slave I wanted the fog to lift but I was living in a cloud Nostalgia is grinding the life from today The present always dies with future memories And king me is killing me Cut wide open and bleeding to death for all to see King me is killing me King me is killing me King me is killing me King me is killing me It's killing me He wont kill me It's killing me He wont kill me