Kentucky in the spring time, summer time in Tennessee When it gets cold, I'm gonna hit the road down to New Orleans Maybe hub it down to Texas too, where it's warm the whole year through When the winter's gone, I'm moving on to somewhere new Of travelling I've always enjoyed, I kept rambling to stay employed And when I quit school, my mama said you fool, you're just a boy But now she's changed her tune, cause I've been everywhere except the moon And I'm sure proud that she don't doubt that I'll be there soon Living life one town at a time, with help from these friends of mine Cause they know that I'll travel these back roads 'til the day that I die With them I'll be just fine, on this road I don't mind dyin' Well I can't have it all, but I'm having a ball one town at a time Give me a van or a passenger train, I'll cross the ocean in a big airplane In any style, I'm making miles just the same Yes I gotta see what's around the bend, there ain't nothin' but time to spend Soon as I'm gone, it won't take long till I'm back again To all the people back home today, working hard for honest pay I can't say enough, cause it sure is tough living that way But this travelling life of mine, I'm leading one town at a time So down the road here I go, I don't mind