dying breed of slaves that built these walls of reason masks from hidden kings, lashing them forward liquid sand shall form, the pyramids with time although they stand, for no one to remember withered hand, points the way cut the rotting limb, so spreads infected truths will drive, the stones to dust truths will drive as rust forms a crown of thorns, colored red from lust frozen sphere plunges into the lake of being from a hidden mask, tears of blood will pour and form the massive stream which sinks the kingdom dying breed of slaves that built these walls of reason masks from hidden kings, lashing them forward bones shall form, these pyramids of glory although they stand, only for time to mock them burnt flesh guides the way sever their heads, and scatter throughout the aeon where silver runs through veins and clots their hearts, so bursts from ignorance electric storms have cometh acid rains will blot and golden masks will turn to stones feed the sun with sacrificed hearts tears of the newborn will bring down the sky worhipping an eagle upon its throne, drink from the deifying cup tortured minds long for an end, but cannot gain eternal rest water for the sacred ground, will not prevent the agony from dirt they rose into dirt they will return