Nobody knows I can’t be fake like everyone You said Don't be afraid be yourself I said Afraid of myself 歪んだ偽善でなした狂った群衆に 紛れ込んで鳴りを潜めている Nobody knows There is another me inside of me I've been suppressing emotion Tell me why you lie It's over my head God is not with me I can’t be fake like everyone 着飾った外面に辛辣な否定を Don't release your Real or you'll Break everything Who will fix my brain and Heart now? Nobody knows There is another me inside of me I've been suppressing emotion Tell me why you lie It's over my head 終わりのないループ 繰り返し満たされた欲望の代償 狂った思考で引き裂いて Nobody knows Nobody knows I'm not mistaken But I am not right 不正解?じゃあ正解はなんだ God is not with me So did I もう戻れやしない There's blood on my hands There's blood on my hands Nobody knows There is another me Inside of me I've been suppressing emotion Tell me why you lie It's over My head 終わりのないループ 繰り返しの檻に今終止符を 狂った思考で 歪んだ正義を 振りかざして