今はまだ止まれないI be patient I don't talk, fake people I can see through keep it going nation Care bout my friends, 飛び回るlocation keep it going to the next 今はnation … Money coming from the back 今まだ止めねえ 誰もしらねやつに、 おれは興味ないや あいつらがあいつ、 どうでもいい俺は俺 そこどけ、道開けろ俺はこのまま 奴のことは今も気にも留めてねぇよ 上がるだけ、気付けばまた雲の上 上がるだけ、気付けばまた雲の上 今はまだ止まれない I be patient I don't talk, fake people I can see through … Care bout my friends, 飛び回るlocation keep it going to the next 今はnation … Ohhhhh I said ma money up まだ間に合う Everyday I'm 明確, he doesn't wanna wake up, 寝る暇ない このままto the sky To the, to the