Blasts of dispair, they brought the fire in here Took all to hell leaving what I abhor on earth The inferno shattered the integrity you feign Exposing the double side of a coin What's your problem now? What's your trouble now? Could you tell me what the hell is wrong now? Polluted conscience, twisted shapes They choked your mind before you fell in shades A quiet moon is dyed in red and gray As if it wanted to bring me to that day Don't say a word I will speak now Waters in motion are so deep down I've crossed the river I won't look back Dig your own hole stay where you are Winds of treason, metaphors of time Treasons to sell me out, you left behind The betrayer shows his face Humiliation on his side Fragile bones, breaking vulgar forms Pores breathing scorn from a filthy soul Don't say a word I will speak now Waters in motion are so deep down I've crossed the river I won't look back Dig your own hole stay where you are Winds of treason, metaphors of time Treasons to sell me out, you left behind