Maybe! used to be in my dream in the distant future at that night I feel that I had better not know my old self long and long time ago lt seems like I would be high-ranking It is me in the distant future However I came to know the world in the future many years from now here It is hard to extend it verbaily I can't make it clear by deed I am just thinking I saw and envied him he did alike I saw and envied him he did alike My thirst is completely different from what he wants (Absolutely) Tell me why we are blind with life? Tell me somebody I want to see I feel that I had better not know my old self and did not realize it The sun light me one fine morning The sun light me one fine morning I couldn't have escaped from the floor Probably live got known and realized Foresight and Envy Two chests hangs upon me not to change myself I feel that I had better not know my old I wish I could forget it