This is my graveyard I dig my graveyard No one can disturb It's all my life style This is my graveyard No one can touch that It's not your job to Find and dig out Way to death road? This is not for suicide Definitely switch side My mind to live up high Break all bad mind Just one more die trying Then I can catch the shine So I keep on digging my size Living up And still yo living up and dig Until when sunrise Coming up to me So now stay alive And back to reality Count 1 2 3 get ready 自らの意志でdig 己の墓穴 振り払う凍結 make tactics 繰り返す敗北 ちりつもるストレス いらただしい 誰かの 卑劣なる策 叫びたくなるような現状 押し殺しひた向き育てる 内眠るtrick その闇に終わりがないなら いっそそれをチャンスとし 刻み続け生きる証 This is my graveyard I dig my graveyard No one can disturb It's all my life style This is my graveyard No one can touch that It's not your job to Find and dig out Way to death road? This is not for suicide Definitely switch side My mind to live up high Break all bad mind Just one more die trying Then I can catch the shine So I keep on digging my size No giving up still Yo I fighting out and dig Until when glory coming up to me So now stay alive Bring up the reality Count 1 2 3 get ready 一歩ずつ 踏み出すpositive 前進する着実 新たなrhythm 垣間みるmiracle 研ぎ澄ます感覚 漂う死線 限界に直面 まるで マカルー西壁 浮き彫りの弱点 今更だなんて 言ってないで さぁ 立ち上がれ 不可能を超え 次への目覚め 引き延ばせ 極限 勝利の条件 マジだせー自分曝け出し 眠れぬ夜 くやしいぜって 真っ向勝負で 砕け散った 疼くあの日の傷 なら また 浴びせ 掻き消せ 勝ちも負けも焼き尽くすrevenge Living up and still Yo living up and dig Until when sunrise Coming up to me No giving up still Yo l fighting out and dig Until when glory coming up to me Count 1 2 3 get ready Keep on digging make me Every day digging never stop Keep on digging make my shit Every day digging Never stop shit