Everyday Everytime Every Morning Look Skyward Everyday Everytime Every Morning Look Skyward Grab for the Chance! Every Morning Just Look at the Future Grab for the Chance! Every Morning Just Look at the World Rise and Shine Rise and Shine Now Rise and Shine Rise and Shine Rise and Shine Now Rise and Shine 始まりを告げる薄明かりの世界 爽快とは程遠い期待 ヒトは心を歪めて生きていける Deceive Myself 正しさってなに?問いかけ続けた でも進むしかないんだ (no need to get lost) Oh Day by Day 覚悟を決めて目指せ 無限の可能性と本質を見抜く 先見の明 Grab for the Chance! Every Morning Just Look at the Future 唯一無二のエリア見つけて進め aim for the LIGHT Grab for the Chance! Every Morning Just Look at the World I'm Ready Let's Move On Rise and Shine Rise and Shine Now Rise and Shine さぁ立ち上がって Rise and Shine 着飾んなdon't fake it I'm Ready Let's Move On Everyday Everytime Every Morning Look Skyward Everyday Everytime Every Morning Look Skyward 光 突き抜け 風に背中押され ティダ輝くステージ そこはミライカナイ約束の地 もう止まらない 目を背けない 信じた道を進むだけ Believe Go The Way Rise and Shine Rise and Shine Now I'm Ready Let's Move On Grab for the Chance! Every Morning Just Look at the Future 唯一無二のエリア見つけて進め aim for the LIGHT Grab for the Chance! Every Morning Just Look at the World I'm Ready Let's Move On Rise and Shine Rise and Shine Now Rise and Shine さぁ立ち上がって Rise and Shine 着飾んなdon't fake it I'm Ready Let's Move On Everyday Everytime Every Morning Look Skyward Everyday Everytime Every Morning Look Skyward Everyday Everytime Every Morning Look Skyward