• 2024.04.29
  • 6:50


I was born with an identity that's about Retrospective life that changed my life forever Because without this origin I would have been Catastrophic that can close my life right away Every person always have its own roots that are Good old school that does help them why they live today So this is why I will sing about my ballade That is about my story of life so let's go I grew up with only retrospective items Like a 16 Bit game console that's my buddy With a ritual known as the retrospective Ritualizer that worships retro style stuff Everybody has its own roots and some can give Either passion or hate depending on the thing But it doesn't matter because we both grew up With pros and cons anyway so it's fine for you My roots are retrospective because some are Primitively old school which is like a tradition So that's why I'm not an outdated person that Never updates the standard because of the pride It's fine if you have interest on updating Because some people want to keep indated like them But please remember that some icons have its own Retrospective roots like me as well to live now I have my own identity to prove that we Are just old fashioned and not close minded at all It's just that we are retro mainstream to be fair Because we like the freshly good old nostalgia Besides sometime new technology and standard Doesn't become good to our old tradition So this is why there is always something that we Must keep it maintained or we're going to collapse Keep in mind that I'm not the only person that is not Always following the modern way that's moving forward Besides that could backfire and make matters worse as well So this is why I have some gripes that we know more than them What's so wrong about having your roots retro like ours Because having something retrospective is good to us Please remember that being retro is not outdated Because it's like having an inspiration to live now Also some great people do the old school way that does work Because these primitive ways surprisingly does the job But to be fair doing a mariage with old and new Does give birth to the finest masterpiece to the retro We live on a modern day Retrospective ritualizers Because that is our Identity My heart soul body is made of retro and nostalgia This is what made my blue spring bloom like a rose and blossom If modern perspective is what becomes the bad menace Then it's about time to go back to your own roots right now I'm not the only one with a retrospective vision Because there are more people that live like me as well too Just as a reminder that everybody had to start Somewhere like being retro like us as a reminder This is why we are united as a community Because we both have its common sense like retrospective This is why we have its own reason that give us why we Live regardless if life is unfair as the best reason As an example an artificial Intelligence Can mature into an imposter info factory That thing can also justify the lie and false truth too So this is why we need to revise the modern view now That's why we are the retrospective ritualizer Because we need to prove that old school is much more better Some can be better but some can be worse to be real fair But 50/50 old and new is the best to be fair We live on a nocturnal Retrospective ritualizers Because this is our Identity My heart soul body is made of the best old school blue spring This is what made my blue spring bloom like a morning glory If retrospective is what makes the best of both worlds then Let's become as a united old school principle Regardless if we live on all era that takes place on past and future because There's always someone that desires a retro style revisit to their own roots Even if all humanity goes to the moon or other planets to live more We can always go back to our origin at anytime on this moment Our lives never last forever because there's always a demise to us But that's how it makes our lives and memories valuable to remember If you want to ask what we are and what we do to this world and humanity Then you can call our unity as the retrospective ritualizer




