
Taber est quisque fortunae suae Aut viam inveniam aut faciam Etorkizunagurea da bakarrik Guk eraikiko [dugu ibilbidea] We should not look back, but just accept the past All was just the path to where we are We know that it means to fall and pick ourselves up No more strives to lose, it's no more our war Now together we fly stronger and proud, rise and see what we have become No more treasons to bear, all masks were unveiled and today our thrills still grow Leading our path, head up high With courage and passion, just you and I Joy fills the clouds where muses roam And smile while they hear our song Etorkizunagurea da bakarrik Guk eraikiko [dugu ibilbidea] We should not look back, but just accept the past All was just the path to where we are You know what it means to stand alone for so long Now we share our fight, my dream is yours And together we fly stronger and proud, rise and see what we have become No more treasons to bear, all masks were unveiled and today our thrills still grow Leading our path, head up high With courage and passion, just you and I Joy fills the clouds where muses roam And smile while they hear our song Leading our path, head up high With courage and passion, just you and I Joy fills the clouds where muses roam And smile while they hear our song Del mio cor laspre catene dure sono infrante E le rigide mie pene che parevano infinite son finite Oh pace, pace Taber est quisque fortunae suae Aut viam inveniam aut faciam Taber est quisque fortunae suae Aut viam inveniam aut faciam Leading our path, head up high With courage and passion, just you and I Joy fills the clouds where muses roam And smile while they hear our song Leading our path, head up high With courage and passion, just you and I Joy fills the clouds where muses roam And smile while they hear our song


Healing Yoga Meditation Music Consort, Yoga Sounds, Harmony Yoga Academyの人気曲

Healing Yoga Meditation Music Consort, Yoga Sounds, Harmony Yoga Academyのアルバム

Healing Yoga Meditation Music Consort, Yoga Sounds, Harmony Yoga Academy