OK lady's are you guys ready to drink? (yeah) are you sure? (you heard me!) yap, let's begin the CORONA party! (yeah) 405.7 PIG fm this is yoko yazawa from oden studio and here is the week's most popular song now this song is everywhere! piggy banks CORONA〜 I'll call the roll. すて るーし すーじ くろい まくし えいみ じぇにふあ じょーん ぺぎ にっき りんじ あな えいみ しんでぃー いーざ べる so let me introduce the member of piggy banks on guitar mashroom keme on bass volcano akko and me vocal yoko oh no! i'll call the roll くりすてぃーな うぇんでぃ けいしー ぶりとにー ちぇるしー べっきー きむ まりあ! こーとにー れずりー メロディ なんしー ぞーい う゛ぃう゛ぃあん さら そふぃあ