Fifty days, all of the water’s gone. No respite from under the cold white sun. Indifference, parched gums and swollen limbs. Nothing moves but the fins of the sharks that swim. So endlessly – dark shadows that roam the deep stalk our wake and haunt our sleep so ghastly white. So quiet, accepting – their gentlemen’s breeding shows well. They circle their servants like sharks. As one man, united, they drew lots and decided. It’s my turn to give my life for kingdom, for country, for their polite society. We ventured to find the hollow earth but all that we found were the hollows on our souls screaming for subsistence, gnawing, devouring. to give my life to give them their lives? Such preposterous hypocrisy I cannot abide oh no I will not go quietly. Fool them before they can see you’re no nominee. Make them think it’s a jinx and make them agree. Make them fear, make them dread and get them to wait just an hour, a minute, a second. Blind them before they can see, before they can flee. Tie their hands tie their feet, their power’s a deceit. Teach them class, blood and breed’s no acquittal or grounds for deeds abhorrent to enlightened man!