Don't tell my mother She loves me, I know How could you do that? 悲しい? 分からない 合図はない でも 震え上がるneuro 抑えきれず揺れる目も あの子の嘘はリアル 見抜けないの あさはか 息ができない So much for my life そんなんじゃない So much for my life Don't wanna fight them 自分がかわいいの 踊ってるの ひとりずっと あの光あこがれて Where are you now? Won't you come home? Who can take me away from this nightmare? 全部嫌になる あの子は言うの “I know that you will be fine” So much for my life Don't tell my mother She loves me, I know How could you do that? 悲しい? 分からない 消えちゃわないよう めちゃくちゃな夜を 過ごすのは悪いこと? あの子の嘘よりも 光りたいと思うの 息をしていたい So much for my life そんなんじゃない So much for my life Don't wanna fight them 自分がかわいいの 踊ってると ひとりでも いいとさえ思うの Where are you now? Won't you come home? Who can take me away from this nightmare? 全部嫌でも それでもきっと Telling myself “I be fine” So much for my life Don't own me anymore 終わらせてしまおう 新しくなるの I will never be the same So much for my life Do you really think so? So much for my life そんなんじゃない So much for my life Don't wanna fight them 自分がかわいいの 踊ってるの ひとりずっと あの光あこがれて Where are you now? Won't you come home? Who can take me away from this nightmare? 全部嫌なの それでもずっと Telling myself “I be fine” So much for my life