It's pretty dark here, I'm seeing things with clarity and forsight, I worry that my dreams might not be my destiny. Its all around me, In my blood and in my body like a whirl of mist I have to bite and clench my fist Else i'm likely to explode. I've got patience, but its hanging on by the skin on my yellow teeth I know theres nothing underneath but remains of what i was then. There is a cure here, but everytime i get a little closer to it, Someone puts a red pen through it and horizons disapear again. I've been like this before, I've been like this before, It wont happen again. It takes time growing up, but patience is all that you need. If it wasn't for my best half, and the angels that'll wake me up before im ready Man, i'd be soo unsteady, tetering on empty shells. They get me through when everybody else is seeing phoney me allow me to create, be free be the person that i know i am I've been like this before, I've been like this before, It wont happen again. It takes time growing up, but patience is all that you need. It takes time growing up, but patience is all that you need