I'm a duck! Just like that I float on the river. I'm a duck! Just like spending the time in here. I am dreaming of the day I hold you tight without wings and that day whenever I will reach you. If only I were them. I wanna be a duck! Just like a duck who’s swimming freely. Wanna be a duck! and be unbound by times or the world. I am dreaming of the day wanting to think without over thinking and say"I love you." Oh,I can't picture such a day. When the surface lights up by moonlight, I’m always thinking about you. The sun raises again, the day begins. Though there’s stormy days, the sun will come through.Now that you are through. Go on your way. I'm a duck! I have wings I spread them and fly to you You can be a duck! The wings in my heart take me away. So my dream of flying away nothing holding me back just in the air. Make it happen now, from bottom of your heart "I love you." When the surface lights up by moonlight, I’m always thinking about you. The sun raises again, the day begins. Though there’s stormy days, the sun will come through. Now that you are through. Go on your way. I'm a duck! I have wings I spread them and fly to you You can be a duck! The wings in my heart take me away. So my dream of flying away nothing holding me back just in the air. Make it happen now, from bottom of your heart "I love you."