A man in the corner talk to himself Drawing spiteful stares from the passerby He doesn't sleep in doorways Well maybe half the time Still be is a man... A body shared is a body still the same A mind divided cannot be blamed For the torment caused itself And for others Still he is a man... [Chorus] A schizophrenic's like a mirror In that they have two sides The first and last of generations Only two to survive They peacefully coexist Neither knows they're alive Until two lives are torn apart When these worlds collide A genetic imbalance or pressure on the brain He knows not the cause It is the furthest thing from his mind Lack of thought is not a problem For this man of straw So named for his fragility of state [Chorus] Unable to support himself He's borderline And quickly falling inward Once a man became a shell, Nonsensical Like negative emotion [Chorus]