Track byT.i.G skysea

  • 2023.09.06
  • 3:00


(Hook 1) 周りイケたGang gang I’m only with real gang (Gang) いつも見てる上を天 Always looking up at the sky high 時代がくるの when When is gonna my era come ダチと食べる A5wagyuのステーキ With my bros eating this A5 Wagyu stake up ZazaはGood Zaza is good Illegal 俺は変わらず ばら撒く I sell weed like I always been ポリを交わし遊び働く Dodging cops, work and party 周りイケたGang gang I’m only with real gang (Gang) いつも見てる上を天 Always looking up at the sky high 時代がくるの when When is gonna my era come ダチと食べる A5wagyuのステーキ With my bros eating this A5 Wagyu stake up ZazaはGood Zaza is good Illegal 俺は変わらず ばら撒く I sell weed like I always been ポリを交わし遊び働く Dodging cops, work and party (verse 1) 超えた危機 Aye Conquered that crisis Aye 人生には多い薔薇道 Life has many obstacles 揺れる女の乳 Bitch’s tities bouncing 興味ないぜ俺はビッチ I don’t care about no bitch 言ってる俺の愚痴 They be talking shit about me 次元違う I’m on a different level 無知は罪 Ignorance is a crime 行きたいとこに行き I go where I wanna go 船に揺られ向かう ピピ In a yacht going to Phi Phi Island 大事な時にしないドジ I make sure I don’t make a mistake 誰にできるの?こんな動き Who can move like me? 最初はただのガキ I was just a kid いまは纏う(まとう)周り覇気 Now I got an ambition 虎は牙を研ぎ龍の思想を使う時 Tiger sharpen his fangs and it’s time to use thought of dragon 用があれば鳴らせ phone When you need me just call my phone だれも知らな場所で所持 Having it where nobody knows 何があってもこなすゲーム Whatever happens I clear all games 増やしてく 今も稼ぐYEN Stack it up I make yen 背負う 今もpain I still have this pain ダチはいてる務所の中 jail My bro in jail 俺は効かなブレーキ I can’t be stopped あいつよりもなるぜ絵 Ima be a better art than him 俺は効かなブレーキ I can’t be stopped あいつよりもなるぜ絵 Ima be a better art than him (hook 2) 周りイケたGang gang I’m only with real gang (Gang) いつも見てる上を天 Always looking up at the sky high 時代がくるの when When is gonna my era come ダチと食べる A5wagyuのステーキ With my bros eating this A5 Wagyu stake up ZazaはGood Zaza is good Illegal 俺は変わらず ばら撒く I sell weed like I always been ポリを交わし遊び働く Dodging cops, work and party 周りイケたGang gang I’m only with real gang (Gang) いつも見てる上を天 Always looking up at the sky high 時代がくるの when When is gonna my era come ダチと食べる A5wagyuのステーキ With my bros eating this A5 Wagyu stake up ZazaはGood Zaza is good Illegal 俺は変わらず ばら撒く I sell weed like I always been ポリを交わし遊び働く Dodging cops, work and party (verse 2) 握るペース Get on the wave 割り勘したくないタイプ俺がpay I’m the type that doesn’t wanna split the bill so I’ll pay ポケットなかた円 My pockets used has no yen いま降らせる 金のrain Now I’m making money rain 貧乏に暇はねぇ Broke don’t got no time 皆で囲み 飯食え I’m eating with my family Facetatooのsense My face tattoo got a sense 見ればわかるアート 絵 You can tell when you see it’s an art 髪はフェード My hair is fade cut O D B かミスブラ行ってるbarber ODB or Mr. Brother are the barber I go to 女と sex Fuck my bitch プッシーにdick へばりついたまんま Her pussy won’t let go my dick 外野はうっせぇ These people are too loud 小さい場所で言ってろ 勝手に ワーワー I don’t care about what you say blah blah ちんころとかしねぇよ I never snitch チャカで五箇所入ってるガサ Cops house searched 5 of my estate with gun possession 命とりだ勘違い This shit a life-taken if you misunderstood 人が消えてまじで危険 People disappear It’s dangerous こんな生き方してるやつは誰? 他にいねぇ Who else live life like me? Nobody 勝手に喋んなバカ Don’t speak on my name stupid 聞いてないぜお前の意見 I ain’t ask for your opinion 一人またflight Getting on a flight パリかタイかUSA Paris, Thailand or USA (hook 3) 周りイケたGang gang I’m only with real gang (Gang) いつも見てる上を天 Always looking up at the sky high 時代がくるの when When is gonna my era come ダチと食べる A5wagyuのステーキ With my bros eating this A5 Wagyu stake up ZazaはGood Zaza is good Illegal 俺は変わらず ばら撒く I sell weed like I always been ポリを交わし遊び働く Dodging cops, work and party 周りイケたGang gang I’m only with real gang (Gang) いつも見てる上を天 Always looking up at the sky high 時代がくるの when When is gonna my era come ダチと食べる A5wagyuのステーキ With my bros eating this A5 Wagyu stake up ZazaはGood Zaza is good Illegal 俺は変わらず ばら撒く I sell weed like I always been ポリを交わし遊び働く Dodging cops, work and party


T.i.G skyseaの人気曲

T.i.G skyseaのアルバム

T.i.G skysea