When the full moon bathes the meadow in its bright and silky dress Why do I feel depressed, my love? When the curtains wave their shadows across your white and milky breast Why do I feel unrest, my love? Do the hollows of the night prepare in me this fright of our parting? Then at the break of day, my love, where have you gone away With not one word to say for good bye? Why would you not have stayed, my love, oh say you're not afraid Of the promise that we made, Oh why do the willows in the wind run shivers down my skin of sorrow? I have gone where the wind may not blow upon my skin Where the stars may not shine upon my name I shall soon enough return to where I long and I yearn And I swear that I will be the same Do the leaves in the trees still whisper in the breeze "Where are you?" I have gone to face the beast and to drivel at his feast May the two of us never be seen And my love, may your sleep as the ocean fall deep An I swear I won't tell you where I've been Sunset is upon me now, and evening's drawing near An still you are not here, my love I thought you called my name so clear, but howls are all I hear They are not yours my dear, my love Yet that shadow in disguise who stares through werewolf's eyes, who are you? You must not be afraid of the changes that I've made I have come now to bring you away To our bed that I have made with the seven stones I've laid And covered in the finest of clay Lay your head upon the ground, you shall never be found I will guard against danger that be Until dawn comes around you must no make a sound An I swear you will forever be with me An I swear you will forever be with me