Whenever you stumble Whenever your problems overload Whenever you worry Know that your heart don't beat alone And I will be waiting With a hand to hold onto 'Cause in this home nobody cries alone So when you're feeling all alone I'll be shining on Like a star light, waiting to guide you home And like a candles light I will hold you through the night I'll remain 'cause nobody cries alone Whenever you tremble Whenever your voice can't find the words Whatever your trouble Know that your heart don't beat alone And I will be waiting From today to ninety-nine Through the darkness 'cause nobody cries alone So when you're feeling all alone I'll be shining on Like a star light, waiting to guide you home And like a candles light I will hold you through the night I'll remain 'cause nobody cries alone Nobody cries alone, nobody cries alone I'll remain 'cause nobody cries alone And every little thing is gonna be alright Every little thing is gonna be alright Every little thing is gonna be alright, I know Every little thing is gonna be alright Every little thing is gonna be alright Every little thing is gonna be alright, I know Whenever you stumble Whenever your problems overload Whenever you worry Know that your heart don't beat alone And I will be waiting With a hand to hold onto 'Cause in this home nobody cries alone Nobody cries alone, nobody cries alone I'll remain 'cause nobody cries alone Nobody cries alone, nobody cries alone I'll remain 'cause nobody cries alone I'll remain 'cause nobody cries alone