ONE WAY saying goodbye to the days We won't look for the glory of the past. ONE WAY saying goodbye to the old days We won't fight our way anymore. We've got to start to run brand new way. 叶えるより無くす方が楽なんて Although it might be a bad excuse? From now on our new hopeful life begins. 誓うから この世界の何処かで見つけ出す音 奏でる 此処から We'll make our new story. 僕らなりに 紡いでいく 答えを We'll keep on singing in front of you. ONE WAY We know it doesn't make anything even if we look over the past. ONE WAY We'll keep challenging with our life whatever we face. くたびれた希望がそう 不確かな光放ち鼓動打ち始め We will keep going with our life till our hearts stop beating. 僕らが誓うから 重なり合う過去と未来のhistory 描く夢うつつさえもmystery Our beating heart and the fire of life 果てるまで We'll keep on singing in front of you. 捨て去った過去なら 未来を足してみる方が 明日への架け橋になる 無限に広がるformula この世界の何処かで見つけ出す音 奏でる此処から We'll make our new story. 始まりへ繋がる 終わりの歌を We'll start singing in front of you.