Hey Girls! Be ambitious! Huh-Are you ready? Let’s kill this! Now let’s get started Something like new If you feel kinda bored on Everyday like today Don’t you know it? Wakuwaku and dokidoki Stand up now, It’s the time You’re gonna be alright Girls be ambitious! What you gotta do is just be you Alright we’re too vicious! Just try to do Girls be ambitious! Well like her, Joan Jett Let’s get started anything Just try to do なんとかしなくちゃ今すぐに ウキウキしなくちゃやってらんない ハラハラしなけりゃ張り合いがない 間違いも気にしない Try どこか行かなきゃ何にも出会えない 何か見なくちゃ感じられない まず誰かに言わなきゃ始まらない わかるよ こわいけど Try to do Hey girls! Be ambitious! Are you ready? You wanna piece of me? Stand up now, It’s the time We’re gonna be alight Hey girls! Be ambitious! Uh-huh Like Us We are THE TOMBOYS Stand up now, It’s the time We’re gonna be alight Girls be ambitious! What you gotta do is just be you Alright we’re too vicious! Just try to do Girls be ambitious! Well like her, Joan Jett Let’s get started anything Just try 感じているのこの瞬間は永遠 だけど忘れちゃいけない 永遠は短くなる Girls! Let's kill this!